About Us:

Project Management Services include:

Gonda Environmental Consultant LTD
We are the best in Providing environmental services throughout Alberta and Western Canada & celebrating 7 years of exceptional environmental services!

J. Gonda Environmental Consultant LTD is a full-service consulting company formed in 2017. Based on our Subcontracts with SMJV and Transmountain, Expansion Projects in British Columbia, TC Energy Expansion Project from Edmonton to Dover river (Fort McKay), we provide environmental services to companies operating throughout western Canada.
The current team comes with exceptional years of experience to provide environmental consulting services in the industry. J. Gonda Environmental Consultants LTD represents a broad spectrum.
If you have any questions regarding the services we can offer please feel free to Contact Us:

Our commitment to environmental and regulatory compliant trenchless construction and completion is paramount. We provide our clients with environmental professionals that have unique experience in trenchless regulatory and environmental design and execution. From upfront environmental feasibility, construction monitoring and waste disposal, to site reclamation we handle every step of your trenchless process.

Environmental stewardship

central to our operations and this value has earned us a positive reputation among our clients and regulatory bodies when guiding sites through the reclamation process in Alberta.

Our land reclamation services include:

  • Identification of site soil handling requirements and implementation of reclamation plans;
  • Onsite supervision and project management, which includes detailed reclamation cost estimates and cost tracking and control.
  • Determining type and rate of soil amendments.
  • Development and selection of suitable seed mixtures or tree species for revegetation;
  • Monitoring of reclamation and revegetation success;
  • Completing pre- and post- reclamation assessments including using current regulatory criteria; and,
  • Completing Reclamation Certificate Applications.


  • Certified Environmental Site Inspections
  • Contractor Management
  • Quality Control
  • Scope Management
  • Contractor/Task Estimating
  • Generating Site-Specific Reports and multiple output formats
  • Monitor turbidity of water bodies during trenchless crossings as relates to CCME guidelines and Water Act requirements
  • Daylight bore path/waterway monitoring utilizing Biologists and environmental specialists, supported by remote as well as hand held monitoring equipment
  • Drilling Fluid Disposal Management; acquire subsoil samples for proposed mud disposal locations for all cuttings and fluid disposal requirements as per provincial guidelines
  • Monitor and manifest associated cuttings and fluids for disposal as per provincial guidelines
  • Spill and/or Inadvertent Release of fluid cleanup, remediation, documentation, and reporting
  • Manage cost control of mud disposal operations
  • Night monitoring using remote sensors and data loggers
  • Wide water bodies are supported with available Jet Boat team for full channel coverage of turbidity monitoring transects
  • Mediation and guidance of regulator site visits, inquiries, and audits
  • Provide post-construction environment reporting including all daily reports, regulatory communications, lab analysis, all approvals and permits from regulators and any other monitoring records as required or requested
  • Obtain water diversion permits
  • Fish and Wildlife Surveys, including wetland and associated biophysical assessments
  • Bird surveying of pipeline right of ways
  • Environmental Reviews in managed Special Areas
  • Post-drilling Site Reclamation
  • Production of Engineered Stream Crossing Reports to support HDD designs
  • Fish Rescue/Salvage